Looking for some help keeping your family organized? These Simple Organization Tips for Busy Moms include smart strategies, clever shortcuts, and hacks to help you waste less time and get more done.

Keeping a busy family organized is a ton of work! The demands of motherhood are 24/7. With kids going in every direction, work commitments, spending time with family and friends, church, and volunteering, it leaves you little time for cleaning and organizing the house.
Paperwork piles up, the to-do list grows, dirt lurks in the corners, and it's easy to get overwhelmed.
Truth be told. A perfectly organized home and Martha-worthy cupboards with labels on everything just don't exist. However, sticking to easy solutions that make a difference to save our sanity totally does!
A few homemaking shortcuts and hacks help get things done and keep things organized no matter how busy you are. These little home organization tricks help you stay on top of things so you don't feel like you're drowning.
Plus, you'll also be more patient with your kids and partner, which is always a good thing.
Try these simple strategies that will help you waste less time and get more done!
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- Get Yourself Ready First - Taking the time to get yourself ready first will make the whole day go smoother. Wake 15-30 minutes before everyone else, focus on just you, and see what a difference it makes. Then go check on everyone else.
- Make lists and Keep a Calendar - There is no way you can be productive if you don’t have a road map! Make a list of your to-dos and prioritize them. Keep a calendar of family appointments and activities. Either pen and paper or a digital calendar work. Check out these calendar options for the upcoming year.
- Email Yourself - Every night, take a few minutes to look over your list from the day before and add or subtract what needs to be done so your to-do list is created for the next day. If you're checking your e-mail all day anyway, this keeps your to-do list front and center — you don't even have to shuffle between apps.
- Shred papers when you bring them in the mail - Paper accumulates. Get rid of it right as you bring it into the house. Have a shredder where you sort the mail, and you’ve eliminated touching it more than once! You can read Home Office Organization: What to Keep for more information on organizing paperwork.
- Send out birthday cards once a month - At the beginning of the month, check your calendar and buy cards and gifts once. Address and mail them all at one time. Yes, some will get their card/gift early, but better early than not at all.
- Keep a couple of gift cards on hand - This way, when your child is invited to a party and you've forgotten to purchase a gift, you're covered. They work well for teacher gifts or thank-you gifts as well.
- Have a place for everything - Clutter and misplaced items happen when everything doesn’t have a place. Designate a place for backpacks, school work, mail, coupons, library books to return, etc. This way, you know where to find things, and they don’t mess up the house.
- Don't keep magazines - Magazines and newspapers pile up quickly. Tear out relevant articles and inspirational photos. Then discard.
- Keep cleaning supplies in a transportable container - When it’s time to clean, you can just grab it and go! Kids like this one too, because it’s easy.
- Create a homework station - Designate a space for homework. Keep all the supplies your student will need in that area, so no time is wasted looking for pens, pencils, calculators, etc.
- Stockpile basic school supplies - Buy a few extra pencils and pens and keep some paper on hand. Imagine, you won't need to make any last-minute trips to the store when an assignment is due. Get all of our Back-to-School Organizing tips to make life easier!
- Make labels for storage containers - It’s so much easier and time-saving to know what’s in your storage containers. When you need anything, you know where to find it, and so does everyone else in the family.
- Downsize and purge - Get rid of stuff you don't use. Throw out old shampoo bottles, lipsticks, and skincare products that are crowding bathroom cabinets and drawers. Keep only what you use. Save some time in the morning by not sifting through old, unused items. Do the same thing in your closet so you only have what you need and like.

More Home Organization Resources
How to Organize Your Home in Two Minutes
The Best Way to Organize Your Pantry
How Being Organized Saves Time and Money
How to Stock Your Pantry for Back to School
If you want several more simple solutions and shortcuts to save time and be less stressed. Enter your email below for a free printable guide.
Are you a printable gal? Then here's a list of several resources for free printables that will help with organization in all aspects of your life - from holidays to packing for vacation and everything in between.
- How I Organized My Whole Life by Just a Girl and Her Blog (If you can squeeze it in, take Abby's 7-day organization challenge)
- Free Printables by I heart organizing (There's a little bit of everything here. Plus, it's colorful and fun! I love that there's a place to reflect on what's working and what isn't when organizing a project)
- Free Printables by Life Your Way (Printables for organizing your holidays and more)
With these organizational tips for busy moms, hopefully, you will uncover a little time extra time and be able to do something for yourself! "Me" time is important to recharge, so you're an even better mom, wife, and home manager.
Looking for more ways to simplify your life? Check out these Simple Household Timesavers.
This post was originally published on April 29, 2016. We updated with enhanced information on July 27, 2021.
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Casey Capra
Wow, I really like your idea of checking for birthdays at the beginning of the month and buying all the gifts/cards once! Haven't thought of that! (And I'm so bad at remembering birthdays!)
Little things like this make a big difference! I seem to be forgetting more and more, so tips like this help and make the rest of the month go much smoother. Thanks for stopping by, Casey!
That's a great list, Erin. I still struggle with #5, and now in the middle of a move I'm getting crazy. I hope to be able to start at the new house.
Thank you so much for sharing it at Sweet Inspiration party!
Great tips! Thanks for sharing on Welcome Home Wednesday
Silly Mummy
Good tips - I need to get better at purging! Love the shred unnecessary paper straight away thing - it really does build up fast. #WAYWOW
It totally builds up fast. Between mail, kids papers and whatever else makes it way through the door, it's a lot! Shredding is such a good idea because of security concerns, too.
Nikki Frank-Hamilton
There are so many tips here that I need to implement. Especially shredding the junk mail! It lays on the counter forever until we get rid of it, and it drives me crazy! This step alone would go a long way in helping our home look and function better!
Wonderful tips. I so have to have the calander thing or I get nothing done. My hubby brings in the mail and always leaves it laying around, drives me nuts! I guess I 'll just have to take up shredding too. lol
My husband brings in the mail, too, and he always needs a little reminding about the "system" we have for mail 🙂 Shredding is important for security, so think about getting one!
I love this Erin! Paperwork is one of my downfalls! It was before I had kids and it hasn't gotten any better. I need to implement the "touch once" rule. I also really love your birthday card tip here, what an amazing time saver!
Me too until we implemented some of these strategies after we moved last year. With four kids, there always seems to be paperwork from school that I now have a system for as well.
Great tips! Junk mail is the one that always gets me.... they send so much of it!If I don't handle it right away, it gets out of hand quickly. Love the once a month birthday card idea, that would simplify things a lot. <3
I know! The junk mail piles up and piles up. Touching it only once forces you to be more intentional about it! Thanks for coming by and reading the post, Lara!
I recently started processing my magazines like #6. It's so nice to have all the best tear sheets in page protectors in a binder. No more mountain of magazines on my desk!
Yes, magazine tend to pile up, so this tip really helps. Then you can go bak and read at your leisure. Thanks for coming by, Lorelei!
Number 4 is a brilliant idea!With a child in school now, I'm always being caught shorthanded for birthday presents!
It was a big help when my kids were little. Now everything is gift cards...let me know how it goes! Thanks for coming by, Emma!
Cathy Lawdanski
#1 and #11 for sure!
Great ideas for everyone, even without a busy family!
You're right, you don't need a busy family to benefit from these organization tips, Carol! Everyone could.
This is a great list, Erin! I do #2 with recycling. It makes it easy to keep junk out. I need to do the birthday and gift card ones. I'm terrible about remembering birthdays until the day before.
I know...remembering Birthdays is tough. I'm so busy, I used to forget a lot and would feel totally bad 🙂