Are you planning on taking an RV trip with kids? Here are a few tips to make sure you have a successful and memorable road trip with your family.

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Top 10 Tips for a Successful RV Trip with Kids
Taking a road trip is an amazing experience. Taking the journey with your family is even more thrilling and gratifying. We did it a year or so ago and loved creating some lasting memories. Even the dog came along! We put it on our Summer Bucket List that year!
3However, It can be challenging to take on an RV trip with kids. You have to be constantly on your toes and ready to answer their demands while being away from the comforts of home. No question, It can be frustrating and tiresome at times, too.
However, there is a key to success! Planning!
If you plan it right, it will be an incredible adventure on the open road, and these tips show you how you can do exactly that.
1.) Involve the Kids in All Trip Planning
Before you even hop onto the RV and go, you need to work out a few details. Involve your kids at this stage.
Let them vote on several options of where to go and what they expect to see. You will be building up the anticipation in them. If it is your first RV trip with kids, consider taking a local trip or not so far from your hometown to test it out. We did 3,000 miles and might scale that back next time 🙂
And remember to choose the right camping ground or RV park. Each has its unique amenities and things to do that might work better for your family.

2. Research Where You Want to Go and Plan Accordingly
Some of the questions you need to ask yourself at this stage are:
Will the location be safe for my family? True story. I was terrified my kids would slip and fall into the Grand Canyon! One almost did!
If you're taking a pet, do the attractions you're visiting allow pets or have a kennel they can stay in while you're there?
How much gas money will we need? RVs are gas guzzlers, for sure!
Do I have enough money for other expenses that might occur along the way?
We had the brakes start to smell and called the RV rental. Luckily they assured us everything was fine but gave us the number for roadside assistance just in case. Do I have support contacts in the event of an emergency?
This site has all the apps to help make your RV trip successful.

3.) Rent a Bigger RV Than You Might Actually Need
If you rent an RV, consider renting out something slightly bigger than what you think you'll need. This allows you to have extra room for your kids to play around and offer you much-needed self-space. This is primarily a good idea if your family pet is coming along too!
Here's our GIGANTIC RV that we called home for ten days!

4.) Rent Longer Than Your RV Trip
If you are going for several days, consider hiring longer for the trip. You can pack the RV at your place the day before you depart. This will ensure that you have enough time to pack everything you need and double-check. Kids will need a lot of stuff, and if you forget something, it could spell disaster on the trip.
Helpful Tips: Most RVs only come with basic supplies or nothing at all, and it can take a long time to pack/unpack.
We used these storage containers to pack, organize and carry on all the supplies to the RV
Taking some kitchen towels and these wipes will make your trip so much easier. You can throw them away at the end if you need to!
5.) Take Turns Driving
Ensure that your spouse helps you by taking turns driving. You can rest when not at the wheel or have some fun with the kids. If possible, avoid driving at night. There's nothing much to see at night anyway, and RVs are hard enough to drive in the daytime!

6.) Relax at the Kids' Bedtimes
You don't have to be super strict on bedtimes depending on your kid's age. Let the kids have fun and put them to sleep when they tire out.
7.) Create a Meal and Drinks Plan
Carry meals from home or prepare them in the RV; it's your choice. However, ensure that you bring enough water and drinks to keep the kids hydrated during the trip. A meal plan will ensure that you keep offering them a healthy diet. Plus, storage is limited in an RV, so bringing just what you need is essential!
Helpful Tip: Boiling water takes a long time in an RV, so plan easy and quick meals. Therefore, pasta isn't a great option. BBQing was one of our favorites. We even used our crockpot to cook dinner while we played during the day!
8.) Carry Appropriate Clothing
Your RV motto - you need to be prepared for the worst but hope for the best. Carry suitable clothing for your kids—plan for rainy weather as well. Carry extra clothing for young kids. They're more likely to get their clothes dirty faster. Some RV parks have a washer and dryer, but not always.
Helpful Tip: Bring hats for everyone. A summertime trip can get hot, and you need something to keep the sun off your face!

9.) Plan for Fun and Games
For your RV trip with kids, bring games along.
You can have board games and age-appropriate games to keep the kids entertained. If the RV has a TV, allow your kids to watch age-appropriate programs at will, especially if driving all day. Also, ensure you bring a few treats for the trip. 🙂 S'mores are always a good option!
This compact game and this funny game were our kid's favorites.
We played the license plate game during our whole trip.
10.) Take Constant Breaks
Take scheduled breaks for a few minutes each time you stop for gas or other necessities. This allows the kids to stretch their legs, use the bathroom, and get some fresh air.
Be flexible enough to stop whenever one family member feels the urge or need to get out of the RV for a few minutes.
Most of all, enjoy your RV Trip with Kids and the freedom to see some fantastic sights in your home on wheels!
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